On May 15th we sent this clip to you from Musanze, captured by our partners, showing the devastating effects of the flooding and the landslides that followed.
We learned about the lives lost, the infrastructure destroyed, and the families displaced. We also made a commitment that day to mobilize the local church we work with to share the love of Jesus with their community by helping build new homes for those displaced families.
On May 18th we announced that you responded generously and that we would be able to build 5 brand new homes.
Over the following few days, more people responded and we received enough to build more than 10 brand new homes + repair several others!
We immediately began organizing + mobilizing and have already repaired several homes and are beyond thrilled to report that construction is well underway on 7 homes!
While there are already many testimonies to share with you already, today I'll just let the photos do the talking. As you can see, not only is this initiative going to bless families who lost literally everything, but it is also blessing dozens of skilled workers with jobs and the ability to feed their own families.
As always, it's all through the local church and is enabling them to be the change they want to see in their community. The church's faith in action is communicating God's concrete love for their neighbors and we are confident that it will play a big part in the larger story of what God is up to in Rwanda.
There is still much work to be done and dozens of families still without life's basic needs such as a warm place to sleep, nutritious food, or safety. Below the photos will be more info on how you can help. You'd be amazed at how much you can make a difference (and how inexpensive it can be to build someone a brand new home)!
If you know you'd like to give already feel free to head straight to our donation page.
Would you consider forwarding this with your circle of friends, your church, or anyone who would be interested in helping? If you put us in touch we'd be more than happy to take it from there. You never know whose heart will be touched by this particular situation.