APRIL 25th, 2025

Our Mission, Approach, Belief, and Promise
We encourage, equip, and mobilize churches in developing nations to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities. Our approach is deeply relational and empowering, focused on listening and the working together. We believe that the local church is the hope of the world and that your support gives it strength. We promise that your generosity will make a very real and direct impact in the lives of real impact. We'll show you proof!
Sponsorship Opportunity: Table Sponsors
TABLE SPONSOR: $550. Limited. Attend the evening and invite up to 7 guests to attend at no cost. You'll be seated together at a roundtable. If you cannot attend in person or would rather someone else host the table, that is okay! We'll find a host for you but you will be making it possible for more people to enjoy the gala for free so that 100% of donations go directly toward the cause. Secure your table today!
Sponsorship Opportunity: Corporate Sponsors
Event sponsorships cover the cost of the event, enabling every dollar raised during the gala to go directly to the field and impact lives around the world.
Sponsorship Opportunity: Matching
Double the impact & inspire others! If you are interested in providing a matching gift toward the end financial goal of the evening, please email mark@mosaicinternational.org
Mosaic International is a 501c3.
Any questions can be directed to admin@mosaicinternational.org
Why Mosaic?
"I would recommend Mosaic International to others 100%! They are making a difference all around the world! They have a heart for the lost and hurting. They care for widows and orphans. They are living out the gospels." - Matt
"They are so transparent about where the money goes. You are consistently updated as to what is being done within Mosaic." - Sherri
"I emphatically recommend Mosaic as an organization to partner with and support. You get the greatest returns when you invest in people, rather than the name of the company or organization they represent. I 100% trust and see that the men and women of God at Mosaic are faithful and obedient with every dollar received." - Joseph
"You and I are better together when we combine our resources. When we pray for each other. When we lift each other up. And that’s what happens when you get involved with Mosaic. There’s a partnership. There is a relationship. There is fruit beyond what you could ever imagine." - Olin
"Mosaic is an extension of our hands and feet through the giving and sharing of Christ’s love. We give confidently knowing that they are furthering the Kingdom of God and the glory and honor are His." - Brooke
"We have been supporters of Mosaic since the beginning. We have seen the vision that God placed in Mark and Brittany's heart as a seed of faith. It has grown into an effective kingdom building effort. The on the ground partnerships with local pastors and churches from three different countries is the proof of their fruit!" - Jessica & Jeremiah