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Dream Center BICOL
One of our main initiatives in the Philippines is the maintaining and expanding of the Dream Center, located in Pinagbobong and started by Edwin and Jo Duenas as an outreach to the community. In December 2019 a super typhoon leveled everything including the church building, but since then it has been built up better than ever before thanks to the generosity of many.
The Dream Center now includes a church, preschool, student center (complete with internet access and computers), and a mission house. It serves as a hub for disaster relief organization, food relief, ministries for all ages, discipleship and counseling, as well as a range of evangelistic endeavors. It has grown so much in the last few years that already the church building is in need of expansion and we are looking to hire an additional three full time staff! Mosaic partners with Edwin and Jo to support the financial needs of the Dream Center, which also serves as our International home base for the ministry.

LEADERSHIP - Edwin & Jo have an incredibly high leadership capacity and passion for discipleship, making them the perfect partners to lead the way! They have raised up a strong team of all ages to lead various aspects of the dream center, which you can learn more about below.

RELIEF - When disaster hits, it is often the local church that people rely on for help. Whether it be typhoons, floods, earthquakes, or famine we provide financial and physical resources for relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.
We are also growing a network of pastors who long to be proactive in disaster relief and we are looking to buy a vehicle that is designed to get food, supplies, and people to help with critical relief quickly and efficiently.

DEVELOPMENT - We provide resources to set each student up for success! Education is our highest priority when it comes to development, that is one of the reasons we have a Student Center where all levels of students can come and use the computers to access the internet to complete their schoolwork and print their school assignments free of charge.
We have also built a new church, mission house, preschool, and other facilities that will help with longer term sustainability efforts.

DISCIPLESHIP - Making disciples of Christ is the heart of our work. It may look like delivering relief or teaching youth music instruments or teaching adults how to use a computer and surf the internet.
Every help, relief, and development work we engage in is grounded in building relationships that last and leads to discipleship. We currently have multiple disicipleship groups for all ages including a formal Bible training program for future church planting efforts.

MOBILIZATION - By developing and strengthening each family that comes to the Dream Center, we believe there can be an even greater impact to our community, city, and country as they are encouraged, equipped, and sent out to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Naturally, church planting will occur and we have a strategy in place to plant a number of churches throughout the Philippines over the next 5 years.

In 2021, the dream of expanding to a second campus became a reality. Mosaic was able to contribute financially to the purchase of 4 acres of land in Pangasinan for a second Dream Center campus. We were introduced to Pastor Darius and his wife Juliet, who will head up and project manage the building and maintenance of this new campus. Darius and Juliet are bivocational, as they run a pharmacy, teach at the local school, and also pastor a church.

LEADERSHIP - Darius and Juliet have created a sustainable plan for the second campus and will provide many jobs in the process. As a means of self-sustainable income, they will use the purchased land to grow crops and continue nurturing the current fruit trees. Selling these crops and produce will then help to pay for future property expenses.

STRATEGY - Along with the construction of the buildings, Pastor Darius and his wife have also begun planning a vocational training program to train 20 women in basket weaving so they can learn a new skill and earn an income. They have established a partnership with a wholesaler who will provide the materials and buy back the finished products.
As relationships are built we will also do other outreaches like children's feedings and over time we will be ready for educational programs, Bible studies, church planting, and more!

Mark is standing with Darius & Juliet outside of their church along with two other solid pastors we love and value so much, Pastor Vito & Pastor Jaime.

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