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What Is the 10/40 Window and Why It Matters

The 10/40 Window is one of the most significant concepts in global missions, yet it remains unfamiliar to many. Stretching from North Africa across the Middle East and into Asia, this region is home to the majority of the world's unreached people groups.

For organizations like Mosaic International, which are committed to equipping local churches and communities to be catalysts for transformation, understanding the importance of the 10/40 Window is crucial.

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What Is the 10/40 Window?

The term 10/40 Window was first coined by Christian missionary strategist Luis Bush in 1990. It refers to a rectangular area of the world between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude, encompassing parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. This region is home to over 5 billion people, including the largest populations of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.

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Why Is the 10/40 Window Important?

High Concentration of Unreached People Groups

More than 90% of the world's unreached people live within the 10/40 Window. These are communities that have little to no access to the Gospel, with entire generations growing up without ever hearing about Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Strongholds and Resistance

Many of the countries in the 10/40 Window have historical and political barriers to Christianity. Governments in some nations actively suppress Christian evangelism, making missions work difficult and, at times, dangerous.

Extreme Poverty and Humanitarian Needs

The 10/40 Window is home to some of the world’s poorest nations. Many people struggle with inadequate access to clean water, healthcare, education, and economic opportunities. Poverty and spiritual lostness often go hand in hand, making holistic mission efforts crucial.

Historical and Biblical Significance

Many of the world's major biblical events took place within the 10/40 Window, from the Garden of Eden to Jesus’ ministry in Israel. The region remains central to the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan.


Mosaic International’s Role in the 10/40 Window

Mosaic was founded on the belief that sustainable transformation begins with strengthening the local church. Rather than imposing outside solutions, we work through indigenous leaders who already understand the culture, language, and specific challenges of their communities.

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Discipleship: Equipping Local Believers

Discipleship is at the heart of what we do. By training local church leaders, we ensure that the Gospel is shared in a way that is both effective and culturally relevant. Through mentorship programs, Bible training, and leadership development, we empower local believers to share the Good News boldly.

Mobilization: Sending Out Local Missionaries

Rather than relying solely on foreign missionaries, we equip local believers to become missionaries in their own nations and beyond. This multiplication strategy allows for the Gospel to spread organically, even in places where Western missionaries cannot go.

Relief: Meeting Urgent Needs

The 10/40 Window is home to communities affected by war, famine, and natural disasters. Our relief efforts provide emergency food, medical care, and shelter while laying the foundation for long-term development.

Development: Creating Sustainable Solutions

While relief efforts address immediate needs, development focuses on long-term solutions. From vocational training to microfinance programs, we work to break the cycle of poverty in a way that preserves dignity and fosters self-sufficiency.


How You Can Help

The mission to reach the 10/40 Window requires a collective effort. Here’s how you can get involved:

Join The Circle Giving Community

Our network of monthly supporters, The Circle, plays a critical role in sustaining our efforts. By becoming a member, you directly support church planting, leadership training, and humanitarian aid in some of the world’s most spiritually and physically impoverished regions.

Pray for the 10/40 Window

Prayer is a powerful tool in missions. Commit to praying for specific countries, missionaries, and persecuted believers in this region.

Go on a Mission Trip

If you feel called to serve in the 10/40 Window, consider joining one of our mission teams. Whether it’s teaching, medical outreach, or discipleship training, there are many ways to make a tangible impact. You can contact us here to learn more.

Advocate and Spread Awareness

Share about the 10/40 Window with your church, small group, or community. Awareness leads to action, and your advocacy could inspire others to get involved.


The Great Commission and the 10/40 Window

Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”, compels us to focus our efforts where the need is greatest. The 10/40 Window represents one of the most strategic frontiers for fulfilling the Great Commission.

At Mosaic International, we believe that transformation happens when people come together in faith, action, and generosity. By strengthening the local church, equipping leaders, and mobilizing believers, we are seeing lives changed and communities renewed.

Are you ready to be part of this mission?

Join us as we work together to bring the hope of Jesus to the 10/40 Window!


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